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Reliable partners and industry leaders for the best service

Hewlett Packard
Hewelett Packard Enterprise develops software and hardware addressed to cloud computing services in partnership with VMware. The proposed solutions allow to adjust to the technological evolution by quickly adapting the infrastructure to it. Tinext has implemented Hewelett Packard’s technology into its systems, in order to give an effective answer to its customers and offer them competitive and evolved tools.

Fortinet is one of the world’s best companies in the field of computer security, as it proposes advanced protection systems of networks. It deals with innovative solutions for web applications, email, endpoint and multi-cloud for governments, banks, hospitals and big multinationals. Tinext supports you in the implementation of Fortinet security services in order to guarantee you an excellent management of cybersecurity threats. A complete solution offering a high protection level against any danger.

FileCloud is a cutting-edge software, developed exclusively for modern clouds’ needs. It allows to create a complete and functional synchronisation system to share your work easily and intuitively with colleagues, thanks to a platform compatible with any existent File Server. Tinext has chosen FileCloud to provide a perfectly integrable, flexible and reliable solution by guaranteeing its customers collaboration, security and a complete customisation.

Microsoft has been an unquestionable leader in planning and realising software for several years, focused on modern cloud computing technologies in order to meet companies’ needs. Tinext has a deep knowledge of operative systems and Microsoft software, which enables us to satisfy any request of our customers. The implementation of these technologies is always winning, both for the quality of solution given and for the high level of compatibility.

Redhat has been the most important company in the open source field, offering advanced development models for more than 35 years. Its purpose is the creation of cloud-native applications, an important strategic benefit to compete on the market. Tinext integrates Redhat technology to optimize the cloud potential, by providing its customers a solid, safe and reliable solution. This way, it is possible to exploit the cloud potential, both privately and publicly with a perfect synchrony.