Home Blog & News Eventi 2023 WEBINAR - Digitalisation of Swiss companies - 2023 edition


WEBINAR ON DEMAND - Digital transformation in Swiss companies 2023


Tinext Managed Cloud Services and VMware, in partnership with The Innovation Group, have analyzed the digitalization of companies in Switzerland and have published the 2023 edition of the study 'Paths of digital transformation in Swiss companies'.

Interviewing nearly 100 CIOs from Swiss companies of different size, the study aimed to investigate the following:


  • the current state of digital transformation pathways in Swiss companies
  • the areas in which digital initiatives have been undertaken
  • the decisions on cloud computing and the associated challenges


Watch our webinars to explore all the key results of the study. 

Speakers (ENG)

Umberto Ruggieri 

Consultant, Tinext Managed Cloud Services

Webinar on demand (English)

Speakers (DE)

Umberto Ruggieri 

Consultant, Tinext Managed Cloud Services

Jérôme Klodzinski

Lead Cloud Solution Architect, Cloud Services Providers, VMware

Webinar on demand (German)

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