21 février 2025
For five years, the Global Connectivity Index has been trying to gauge the degree of development of ICT solutions and infrastructures in the world's large countries. In the latest report, which contains 2020 data, the Swiss Confederation ranks second, tied with Singapore, with 81 points, just above the Scandinavian countries and much above the large neighbouring countries such as France, Germany and Italy.
The report that is sponsored by the Chinese multinational Huawei, known for its smartphones but leader in ICT infrastructures, can be downloaded here.
Why is it worth reflecting upon these data? Because in a global context the specificities of each nation, instead of being reduced, become more and more important.
Switzerland has always relied on its 'framework conditions' which, in the eyes of international investors and multinational companies, win over the very high labour cost, or rents. Yesterday these conditions were just political stability, liberal laws and fair taxation. Today we can add by the quality of ICT in general and of connectivity in a Cloud logic in particular.
The quality and competitiveness of a 'country system' from an ICT point of view turns into advantages (or disadvantages if these conditions are not met) on the competitiveness of every single company, we could say of every single knowledge worker.
The 2020 edition of the Global Connectivity Index report highlights how the most advanced nations in terms of ICT have managed to reduce on average by 50% the economic impact of the pandemic in 2020.
These are difficult estimates to make, we have all experienced first hand, at the company or individual level as well as at the country system level, how the availability of connections, infrastructures and advanced and performant platforms has made us possible to carry out our work and our life even in very challenging context.
Let's take the Cloud area for example. The Cloud certainly requires infrastructures: servers and connectivity, as well as cloud providers able to offer the most advanced architectures; software houses able to transform them into applications and solutions, CIOs who request and discuss them, CEOs who approve and around them a legal framework and a culture of safety.
We could say that the Cloud is like a language. A language needs many people who speak it and use it to write, teachers who teach it, media who use it, libraries, films and plays. Switzerland has all of this indeed and to an exceptional extent. Cloud could be considered the fifth language of the Confederation!
In Cloud-speak the peculiar aspects of a nation are best expressed. Switzerland is synonymous with safety and investment, isn't it? Well, in one of the indicators measured by Huawei's report, defined as 'Security software', the demand and supply of solutions related to the various aspects of security gets a low rating worldwide: 2 out of 10. Switzerland gets 7: over three times the average! As far as investments in cloud technologies are considered, the world average is 3, Switzerland reaches 9!
These scores rightly add up the 'demand-side' as well as the 'supply-side' aspects. But should we split the two fronts, under the 'demand' profile, Switzerland gets 84 points; from the 'supply' profile, just 69. In the United States, for example, supply and demand for ICT infrastructures and solutions are almost in balance: 91 against 81.
This is very interesting for ICT solution providers as we are: it means in Swiss organizations the awareness of the relevance of ICT solutions is high. And we at Tinext MCS accept this challenge every day.