Home Blog & News Insights 2022 Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty


WHITE PAPER - Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty

On September 25, 2020, the Swiss Parliament passed a new data protection law, the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP), which will enter into force on September 1, 2023.

The fully revised Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) was needed for two reasons:


  1. it is a matter of adapting the FADP to the changed technological and social conditions (cloud computing computing, big data, social networks, the Internet of Things);
  2. this revision aligns the FADP with European data protection data protection rules.

We have summarized what need to be taken into account and what experience we already have for you in the Whitepaper.


Download the Tinext Whitepaper to the topic "Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty" and learn the answers to the following questions for a sovereign and reliable cloud:


  • What is the need behind the FADP?
  • What innovations does the FADP bring with it?
  • What are the next steps for sovereign digitalization?
  • And what are the implications for Swiss cloud providers?
Download the whitepaper now!
